How to Replace a Normal Bathroom Fan Switch to a Timer Switch.


Air quality is extremely important to any home. During a home inspection we thoroughly check all fans in the home. Poor air quality leads to many issues such as mold growth, condensation damage to components, asthma, and other respiratory issues.

One important way to maintain good air quality is with ventilation. Many houses with excessive moisture issues have inefficient bathroom fans, or improper usage. Even if they are used, they are shut off right after the shower is done, most of the moisture will still be in the bathroom and diffuse throughout the home. It is very important to have good bathroom fans, and at least one fan should be used throughout the day. We often recommend the installation of timers for their fans instead of a simple switch. This allows the fan to run another 30 – 60 minutes after the shower is done to completely remove all the moisture from the entire home.

This do-it-yourself video is for those who are comfortable around electricity. If you are not, please consider hiring the service of a qualified electrician. You will find this step-by-step video easy to understand.

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