Basic Thermal Imaging
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Basic Thermal Imaging
Even with the best of inspections, inspectors can only rely on what they can see with their eyes. That is why we employ infrared cameras, as they can see very small variations in temperature, in a range that is not visible to the human eye. Thermal imaging technology allows us to inspect your home in greater detail rather than having to make assumptions about the condition of your home.
Thermal imaging allows us to:
• Find water leaks
• See moisture build-up the naked eye cannot
• Confirm the thermal protection of a home
• Locate heat dissipation through widows and insulation
• Trace water damage
• Check radiant floor heating
• Find electrical shorts
• Locate pipes behind walls and under floors.

Basic Thermal Imaging FAQ
Whenever a leak and moist conditions exists longer than 72 hours, then mold can form. This fact is a reality and the infrared camera can quickly and in a non-invasive manner, help identify these issues. But remember, the infrared camera identifies the heat signatures and does not measure the moisture content.
When moisture intrusion is located and corrected, then further structure deterioration and widespread growth of mold can also be stopped. Please remember that every day that a leak goes undetected the likelihood of damage increases. When detected early the structural repairs and any needed mold remediation are significantly less costly.
The infrared thermal imaging camera simply identifies thermal anomalies; it is NOT a moisture meter. This device greatly aids in identifying areas that need further investigation.
The infrared thermal imaging camera does NOT completely remove the risks of concealed damage.
It is deceptive to claim that thermal imaging detects moisture because the best that it can do is detecting thermal differences. Using the infrared camera to help discover moisture issues can be helpful because once the anomalies are identified, then moisture meters and other diagnostic tools can be used to identify the source of the anomaly.